Archive for September 2012 | Monthly archive page

Sep 13
Two NEW Collections Debut at the Fall Red Barn Outdoor Market – Part I: Sugar Skulls
I can’t express how excited I am to have the first of these two new collection ready to make their debuts this Saturday at the Fall Red Barn Outdoor Market in Benton, KS. I’ve been working like crazy (what’s new?) on getting these two new lines ready to go for the fall season and what better time to release them than at my first fall event?
The first new line is a collection of Sugar Skull Brooches. Each brooch is made entirely by hand and although some may use similar colors or designs each one is completely unique unto itself. I’m posting a single brooch on my Etsy site today but the rest of the brooches will be making the trip to Benton for your perusal and purchase this weekend. They are a perfect tiny taste of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos to add to any outfit!
[slideshow]Stay tuned to learn more tomorrow about the gIRLY gOTH collection!

Sep 05
Who do? We do voodoo! Miniature Voodoo Doll Brooch
As you know from my bio I’ve been interested in the bayou and deep south from my childhood reading. One of my favorite songs that I listened to over and over from from that era was “Marie Laveau” by Dr. Hook. It got me interested in learning more about Marie, the Witch Queen and the Big Easy.
Several years ago I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to New Orleans for work. During my time away from work I visited a number of local places and hit all the “tourist trap” voodoo shops. I was so excited to get to go on one of the cemetery tours. The morning of the tour of St. Louis Cemetery #1 was dark and rainy, setting the perfect mood for the tour. I took a ton of photos and as I stood before Marie Laveau’s tomb I made my mark as is the tradition.
Tomb of Marie Laveau
In honor of my fascination with Marie and her life I’ve designed a small felt Voodoo doll brooch. The brooch is so cute and adorable I’m finding it difficult to part with them. Visit my Etsy shop to see more details about the dollies.
VooDoo Dolly Brooch
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