Archive for the ‘Dia de los Muertos’ Category

Oct 05
I need some evil minions!
I added an awesome countdown to the site to show how many days are left to “the BIG day”. I can’t believe it’s already October. I’m already in love with the cooler weather but I don’t even have any decorations out yet.
I’m feeling a bit like Santa (a.k.a. Jack Skellington) today. There are coffins to finish and jewelry to make for the shop, all of which all need packaging, labeling and shipping to their awesome new owners.
Plus I need to really be stocking up on inventory for the three big events I have going on this month. I’m scheduled for two Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) events and the ICT Roller Girls Annual Monster Mashup. There aren’t enough hours in the day!
As I was working on this post I was wishing for my own team of evil minions. Not a bunch, but at least a few that were good at sanding coffins for all the gruesome little boys and gouls. And maybe a couple more that would take over all the shipping duties. But until that happens I guess I better get back to the morgue (studio) and get back to work!
Hugs and kisses from Buxom♥Bones where we believe everyday should be Halloween!
Click here for the “adult” version of this post!

Mar 24
gIRLY gOTH Earrings Now Available
It’s been a bit of a hiatus for me in the studio. It was beginning to feel like I’d never get back to work on my latest designs but the time is finally right.
Check out my new listings in BuxomBones on Etsy. You’ll see the new line up of gIRLY gOTH earrings. I really don’t know what I enjoy more, making them for others or making them to wear myself! Stay tuned for more colors and designs…
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Sep 13
Two NEW Collections Debut at the Fall Red Barn Outdoor Market – Part I: Sugar Skulls
I can’t express how excited I am to have the first of these two new collection ready to make their debuts this Saturday at the Fall Red Barn Outdoor Market in Benton, KS. I’ve been working like crazy (what’s new?) on getting these two new lines ready to go for the fall season and what better time to release them than at my first fall event?
The first new line is a collection of Sugar Skull Brooches. Each brooch is made entirely by hand and although some may use similar colors or designs each one is completely unique unto itself. I’m posting a single brooch on my Etsy site today but the rest of the brooches will be making the trip to Benton for your perusal and purchase this weekend. They are a perfect tiny taste of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos to add to any outfit!
[slideshow]Stay tuned to learn more tomorrow about the gIRLY gOTH collection!
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